2019 Forum Speakers

Professor Clive Barstow

Clive Barstow is Executive Dean of Arts & Humanities at Edith Cowan University, Honorary Professor of Art at the University of Shanghai Science & Technology, China and global faculty member of Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey USA. Clive is a practicing artist and writer. His exhibition profile includes forty years of international exhibitions, artist residencies and publications in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Clive is President of the Australian Council of Deans & Directors of Creative Arts (DDCA) and Director of the Open Bite Australia Print Workshop, which encourages the development of printmaking within a number of local indigenous communities.

Professor Dawn Bennett

Dawn Bennett is John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Higher Education and Director of the EmployABILITY and Creative Workforce Initiatives with Curtin University. She is an expert on the development of graduate employability within higher education. A National Senior Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow with the Higher Education Academy, Dawn is an Adjunct Professor with Griffith and Monash Universities, a Visiting Fellow with the Sibelius Academy and a Research Fellow with the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. Dawn has contributed to over AUD$6m in research grants, 240 academic articles and 10 books. She is editor-in-chief for two Routledge series in Higher Music Education. Publications appear at Researchgate.

Professor Jon Cattapan

Jon Cattapan is the Director of the Victorian College of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and is a very widely exhibited and significant Australian artist. Professor Cattapan has been the Lead Chief Investigator on two ARC Discovery projects involving art and conflict. In 2008, he took up a commission through the Australian War Memorial to become Australia’s 63rd Official war artist and was deployed to Timor Leste where he explored the nature of Night Vision technology as an aesthetic tool. His research interests centre around how painting can picture the urban environment, globalised societies and contemporary conflict, while his work has dealt primarily with ways of representing urban topographies and narratives.

Professor Paul Gough

A painter, broadcaster and writer, Professor Paul Gough has exhibited internationally and is represented in the permanent collection of the Imperial War Museum, London, the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, and the National War Memorial, New Zealand. His research on war and peace has been presented internationally at global conferences, symposia and exhibitions.  Author of nine books, he has published extensively about the visual representation of war and peace, and also an edited book on the street artist Banksy. Professor Gough is Pro-Vice Chancellor and Vice President at RMIT University.

Professor Cat Hope

Cat Hope is an artist and academic with an active profile as a composer, sound artist, soloist and performer in music groups internationally. She is the director of the award-winning Decibel new music ensemble, a Churchill and Civitella Ranieri Fellow. Cat is the co- author of ‘Digital Arts – An introduction to New Media’ (Bloomsbury, 2014). After a year as the inaugural Associate Dean of Research at WAAPA, Edith Cowan University, she is currently Professor of Music and Head of school at the Zelman Cowen School of Music at Monash University.

Professor Russell Tytler

Russell Tytler is Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Science Education at Deakin University, Melbourne. He has researched and written extensively on student learning and reasoning in science. His interest in the role of representation as a multimodal language for reasoning and learning in science extends to pedagogy and teacher and school change. He researches and writes on student engagement with science and mathematics, school-community partnerships and STEM curriculum policy and practice. His current interest is in interdisciplinarity leading to critical and creative reasoning. He is widely published, and has been chief investigator on a range of Australian Research Council and other research projects.

Professor Ross Woodrow

Ross Woodrow has been involved in research education in the creative arts for more than three decades. He helped establish the HDR program in Fine Arts at the University of Newcastle in 1995 and since 2006 has been working in various research leadership roles at Griffith University.