DDCA mentorship resources

ACEN The Australian Collaborative Education Network

Offers resources and support for work-integrated learning and mentoring programs in higher education


AITSL Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership


Universities Australia

Offers publications and resources on mentoring best practices for Australian universities


ACER Australian Council for Educational Research

Publishes reports and research papers on mentoring and student support in higher education.


Podcasts about mentorship

Professional Development     

Group of Eight (Go8) Leadership Development Program: Offers leadership and professional development opportunities for staff in the Go8 universities, which include mentoring components.

Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM): Offers professional development programs, including workshops and webinars, focused on mentoring and leadership in higher education.

Other recent news

Meet our mentors

PROFESSOR CLIVE BARSTOW, Edith Cowan University Research interests History and culture, practice-led research, Chinese-Australian interactions, re-imagining time and place, storytelling

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PROFESSOR CLIVE BARSTOW, Edith Cowan University Research interests History and culture, practice-led research, Chinese-Australian interactions, re-imagining time and place, storytelling through assemblage. Teaching interests Cultural histories, cross-cultural language. Mentoring interests Academic leadership and strategic thinking. PROFESSOR CRAIG BATTY, University of South Australia Research interests I have experience in mentoring in the broad area of creative […]

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