2014 DDCA Inaugural Conference

About The Conference

Location: The Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, Melbourne.  
Dates:  1 October 2014.

DDCA’s inaugural conference brought together national and international perspectives on learning, teaching and research to consider the question ‘Where are we now and what lies ahead for the creative arts in higher education in Australia?’ It was held as part of Creative Arts Leadership Week which included the ACUADS 2014 conference and 2 book launches : Staging Ideas: Set and costume design for theatre by Australian performance designer and author Stephen Curtis and Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research by Estelle Barrett and Barbara Bolt. 

Speaker Information, Papers And Presentations 

Opening Presentation

The opening presentation by Professor Paul Gough (RMIT) and Dr Tim Cahill (ARC) focused on  Research in the ERA era. Paul highlighted recent global developments in research evaluation and compared some of the differences and similarities between Australia and UK systems while Tim provided an update on the ERA 2015 exercise. Both presentations are available below:

Research In The ERA ERA.

Professor Paul Gough, RMIT University


Excellence In Research For Australia 2015 Update

Dr Tim Cahill, Director Research Evaluation, ARC


Panel: Pedagogy of Creative Arts

A panel comprising: Professor Graham Forsyth (UNSW), Professor Don Lebler (Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University) and Trish Treagus from the Office of Learning and Teaching focused on the Pedagogy of Creative Arts.  Don highlighted recent work in assessment in music, and ways in which assessment can be aligned with national learning outcome statements, giving conference attendees an early exposition of work subsequently published by Springer (Lebler, D., Carey, G., & Harrison, S. D. (Eds.). (2015). Assessment in Music Education: from Policy to Practice. Springer International Publishing). Don’s presentation is available below.

Graham’s focus on research and networks in creative arts pedagogy summarised recent work undertaken in a range of arts disciplines noting particularly the ALTC Studio Teaching project and toolkit and the CreatED project to strengthen learning and teaching in creative arts disciplines. Graham’s presentation is available below.

Creative Arts Pedagogy: Research and Networks

Graham Forsyth, Associate Dean (Academic), UNSW Art & Design.


Assessment In Music: An Approach To Aligning Assessment With Learning Outcomes In Higher Music Education

Dr Don Lebler, Griffith University, Queensland Conservatorium.


Benchmarking Interdisciplinary Assessment Tasks

Reporting on the Multiple Measures project, Associate Professor Kit Wise (Monash) focused on interdisciplinarity to explore how benchmarking quality assessment tasks could facilitate interdisciplinary learning in creative arts and humanities.  Kit’s presentation is available below.

Benchmarking Interdisciplinary Assessment Tasks In The Creative Arts & Humanities Multiple Measures.

Associate Professor Kit Wise, Monash.


Book Launches

The conference closed with the launch by Professor Paul Gough, Estelle Barrett and Barbara Bolt’s edited book Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research published by I.B.Tauris